Stage 1: uploading data and code

For papers first submitted before July 1, 2021: 

We encourage all authors of papers that are published in the Journal of Financial Economics to upload their data, programs, and detailed instructions for use to Mendeley Data, where it will be published under the author's choice of reuse license.  Mendeley allows for an embargo period in which the data remain hidden. Alternatively, authors can upload this material in a domain-specific repository. For information on these repositories, see If you provide us with a DOI for your data and programs, the link will appear on ScienceDirect with the article.  To provide a direct link between your article published on ScienceDirect to your dataset published on Mendeley, please use this webform:

For papers first submitted on or after July 1, 2021: 

All authors of papers that are published in the Journal of Financial Economics are required to upload their data, programs, and detailed instructions for use to Mendeley Data, where it will be published under the author's choice of reuse license.  Mendeley allows for an embargo period in which the data remain hidden. Alternatively, authors can upload this material in a domain-specific repository.  For information on these repositories, see In either case, a link to the DOI for your data and programs will appear on ScienceDirect with the article. To provide a direct link between your article published on ScienceDirect to your dataset published on Mendeley, please use this webform:

A link to the data must be provided with the resubmission before the article can be published.  Exceptions to this policy will be honored but must have been approved by the editor upon submission.

Stage 2: uploading the final version

When your manuscript is ready for publication, you will receive an “Accept pending uploads” decision. At this stage, please redraft the paper according to JFE style guidelines. These can be found at:  It is recommended that you use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX to generate your bibliography. Elsevier’s LaTeX site has detailed instructions, templates, and other information. Alternatively, you can also use Microsoft Word and Excel.  

The first sentence of your acknowledgement footnote should be “<Editor Name> was the editor for this article.” There is no need to thank the editor unless the editor made comments that you found helpful. 

You will submit your manuscript to JFE via the EM system, providing the original source files (LaTeX, Word, … ) and files containing figures for the main manuscript. You will need to upload individual files for the main manuscript:

  1. the main manuscript in source file form, with author names visible

  2. the main manuscript in PDF form, with author names visible

  3. the figure files unless embedded in a Word document

  4. the bibliography if it is a separate document

  5. supplementary materials, typically internet appendices. For example, please label all internet appendices with the file name <submission number>_Supplementary_Material_Internet_Appendices.pdf. DO NOT upload any work processing documents for the internet appendices—just upload PDF files.   Do not upload any data or code. 

  6. For papers first submitted after July 1, 2021, the DOI for your code and data. Provide this information in the comments section of the submission process.

Please do not just submit a PDF document: it is in your interest and Elsevier's that source files are provided, so as to maximize speed of publication and minimize typesetting errors. At the same time, you should understand that the EM system will automatically make a PDF document from your source code when you undertake the final submission.

This automatically generated EM PDF document may be incomplete or inaccurate for LaTeX users. It will typically include error messages indicating the nature of the problem, most frequently the absence of style files. If you experience problems, please make sure that you have uploaded the appropriate style files. If you have not, please add these. If you have and if you continue to experience problems, it is OK to approve this PDF document as long as you are providing the main source files and also a correct PDF version of your manuscript.

Stage 3: production

If the above files are in order, your manuscript will move to the "Accepted" status and will be transferred to the Elsevier production team. No further changes can be made in the manuscript during this stage, without the prior and explicit approval by the Editors.

The corresponding editor will receive proofs and a list of queries about the manuscript from the Elsevier staff. Proofs should be corrected carefully; the responsibility for detecting errors lies with the author. You will have three (3) days to complete proof corrections if your article is to stay on track for publication. It is very important that you quickly complete all forms requested by the Elsevier production team, specifically the copyright form. If you do not do so, then your manuscript will not enter production and its ultimate publication will be delayed.

Stage 4: article in press

Your article will appear on Science Direct in three stages, where it will be available to readers of JFE as "an article in press".

  1. The first version will be as an "accepted manuscript": this is the version that you sent to production.

  2. The second version will be as an "uncorrected proof": this is the version that Elsevier production sends to you for your corrections.

  3. When the proofs have been corrected by you and the production team, the typeset version of your article will be posted on Elsevier's Science Direct as an "Article in press" with "corrected proof".

If an error appears in the "corrected proof" after it is posted on Science Direct, please contact the editorial assistant with a statement of the problem.